My passion is teaching about healthy sexuality and relationships using a wholistic approach
that emphasizes the positive dimensions. Ms. LaVie’s School is the expression of my vision for a wholistic approach
to health that focuses on integrating sexuality into the other aspects of the self. I am the primary teacher of classes at
Ms. LaVie's, and I also offer sex coaching in individual sessions.
- Sexuality Instructor 25+ years
- Certified Sexological Bodyworker
- Certified Cuddle
Party Facilitator
- Ordained Shamanic High Priestess
- Community Organizer
- Registered Nurse
- Counselor and Tranformational
- Work experience: sexuality education
and reproductive health care, mental health, women's issues, sexual assault, violence prevention, family and relationship
dysfunction, and recovery from chemical dependence.
Candessa Hadsall
(aka "Ms. LaVie")
Ms. LaVie's School of Loving Arts
Ms. LaVie's motto... "Be the love you want." |